vision & Mision


A vision is a preferred picture of the future — your desired destination and where you want to be

At Destination Community Church, our vision is leading people into a growing relationship with Jesus.


A mission is how you achieve your vision.

The mission of Destination Community Church is built around three key words: REACH, SERVE, and GROW.


We design Church services that un-Churched people enjoy attending, creating a welcoming, hospital, and Gospel-centered environment where people of all walks of life can come and worship. 


We host strategic outreach events to meet needs in our community, while also supporting existing ministries that are already making a positive impact in our area.


We gather in small groups to build relationships, ask questions about our faith, and grow in our relationship with Jesus in ways we can’t do alone.

About Us

Learn more about the origin of DCC and it's original mission.

Destination Community Church began in November of 2009. During this season, there were a group of twelve individuals who came together with a desire to make a difference in the Floyd County region. At the time DCC was started, a George Barna study showed that 90% of Floyd County (23,000 people) did not go to Church and have a relationship with Jesus.

From the very beginning, we wanted to be a place where no matter who you are, where you’re from, whether you’ve been in Church your whole life, never been to a Church, or have been hurt/burned by the Church, you are in an environment where you are loved, welcomed, and the message of Jesus is very clear.
DCC was started by our Founding Pastor, Lee Boyd, who served bi-vocationally in this role until 2016. From there, a full-time Senior Pastor was hired who served until December 2019. Our current Lead Pastor, Jacob Dickerson began serving full-time in July of 2021.